Ireland Healthy Eyes Week

The general rule of thumb for eye tests is that one every twelve months should ward off any unpleasant nastiness and keep your eye sight and eye health regime in good working order. However, for the current population of Ireland, fifty per cent of them haven't set foot in side the office of their optician for two years or more. Worryingly, twenty one per cent of the population has never had an official eye test.There is a campaign running that begins this week for the next six days that has been organized by the Irish Association of Dispensing Opticians to promote a Healthy Eye Week. A survey was constructed and carried out by Behaviors and Attitudes on behalf of the campaign that gathered the shocking revelation. Interestingly, of the survey sample that had never received an eye test, a very high percentage believed it was an unnecessary test as they considered themselves to have twenty twenty vision.
 The Healthy Eye week begins today and runs until June 22nd and will push for awareness of the need for regular eye check ups with a health professional.Data previously collected has recorded two hundred and twenty thousand occupants of Ireland living with loss of sight and as an aging population, these figures are only set to rise steadily.

The message is to be pro-active in your eye health, and seek out eye tests regularly beginning this week if needs be.