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Omisan Eye Hygiene Omivis Multi-Action Eye Wash 100ml, Dry Eye

Omisan Eye Hygiene Omivis Multi-Action Eye Wash 100ml, Dry Eye

Omisan Eye Hygiene Omivis Multi-Action Eye Wash 100ml, Dry Eye

Eye wash for daily eye hygiene and hydration; relieves in case of eye irritation or allergies; removes foreigh bodies and pollens.

Thanks to its innovative formulation with Hyaluronic acid, fluid extract of Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) and Aloe vera gel, it is a biocompatible product and very well tolerated also in case of very sensitive eyes.

INDICATIONS: Hydrates, relieves red, tired or irritated eyes; washes and refreshes. Ideal also in case of reddened eyes due to prolonged contact lenses wearing timel ocular discomfort due to closed, smoky or air conditioned environments, sea or swimming pool water; dry eye sensation; foreign body sensation from excessive exposure to sunlight, wind, dust; helps to delicately remove creams residues (in case of pharmacological treatments).

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