EMA Workshop Discusses Optical Medicines and Treatments

european medicines agency

In what was the first time such an event has been organised, the European Medicines Agency brought together experts in eye care, treatment as well as specialists in developing ophthalmology medicines for a workshop between the 27th and 28th October 2011. The workshop oversaw the developments being made in medicines while also paying close attention to childhood eye disorders and how best to treat them in the future.

The European Medicines Agency is a decentralised agency of the European Union, located in London. The Agency is responsible for the scientific evaluation of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in the European Union.

Over 200 specialists from across the glove attended the meeting where amongst other matters, those attending reviewed regulatory and scientific changes in developing medicines for eye disorders. Some of the topics of discussion were:

  • Stem cell and gene therapy research
  • Macular disease treatment options
  • Corneal surface repair
  • Childhood eye condition treatments
  • Measurement of visual function