Antibiotics Risk Dampened

Earlier in the year researchers published findings that claimed the risk of retinal detachment could be increased with the use of certain antibiotics. This month a new study has contested the results of the former study.

The earlier research was carried out by a Canadian team that linked fluoroquinolones with increased risk of retinal detachment. The interaction with the connecting eye tissues showed a  patient was four and a half times more at risk of suffering a detached retina than if the drugs had not been prescribed.Now a Danish team of researchers are contesting that  the likely difference in absolute risk are of very minor, if in fact, any, clinical significance.

The  Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen,used data from an existing register of the Danish population investigating 566 patients  diagnosed with retinal detachment. From this selection, seventy two had taken the relevant antibiotics and overall they discovered that the use of fluoroquinolones, had only increased the absolute risk to by no more than 11 retinal detachment cases per 1,000,000 treatment episodes. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency have announced that the safety signal of the use of these antibiotics remains under European Regulatory Review following the findings.