Contact Lens Users Not Wearing Lenses Correctly

contact lens users not following instructions properly

According to a recent study published in Optometry and Vision Science, a large proportion of contact lens wearers and users are not following recommended instructions from the manufacturers regarding the wearing and use of their lenses. While I'm sure we have all been guilty of turning our new TV sets on before reading the manual, it seems large numbers of us are putting the health of our eyes at risk by doing exactly the same with our eye wear solutions.

The worrying statistic that this survey found was that we are not even ignorant to the fact that such guidelines are important to follow, not only to address the problem that the lenses were prescribed for in the first place, but that incorrect use and care can in fact impact on our vision or the general health of our eyes themselves. The study which asked questions of over 400 patients noted that 85% of contact lens wearers believed that they were following all requirements when it came to use, application and care of their lenses. Disappointingly, only 2% actually followed all the recommendations made by manufacturers in regards to their lenses.

So what were the main mistakes being made?

  • Failure to remove contact lenses when washing/showering
  • Allowing lenses to come into contact with tap water
  • Failure to replace contact lens solution

Image: graur razvan ionut /