Eye Cancer Awareness

There have been numerous media reports of late of misdemeanors that led to facial injury and that in turn has led to rather disturbing discoveries of tumors and eye cancers. But would you recognize the set of symptoms that classically accompany various cancers of the eye?

An easy symptom to write off is blurred vision as it can easily be passed off as a prescription requirement needing corrective glasses or contact lenses. It also goes hand in hand with feeling overtired or prolonged exposure to VDU and close - up work including print reading. But this symptom should always be followed up by an eye appointment for early detection of eye cancer.

Progressively from blurred vision, partial or even full loss of sight is a risk. Some patients suffer an effect called blinkering, akin to a blinkered horses sight, where the peripheral sight is compromised.

Floaters, lines and squirmy spots seemingly in front of the eye is another warning signal, They are also very xommon with regular disorders such as cataracts so a full investigation is warranted especially in people with a high determinate risk of cancer.

Pain anywhere in the eye is usually a sign of ocular pressure when a tumor can affect nerves or adnexal structures. Pain should never be ignored.

If you see a difference in how your eye suddenly looks, and in children in particular with retinoblastoma, where eyes can bulge, you should investigate further. Likewise, skin marks or or around the eye such as a mole, that appears to change in  shape or size should also be pointed out to your eye doctor.

Anyone with moles around the eye should regularly see an ophthalmologist in any event as it may lead to intraocular melanoma which can present with none of the symptoms listed above. The first and only sign that a melanoma may be present could be a painless but instant loss of vision.