Visual Improvements For Age Related Macular Degeneration

Visual Improvements For Age Related Macular Degeneration

Sufferers of age related macular degeneration may soon find that they may be able to take advantage of new technological advances aimed at improving their vision. In essence, scientists have developed a tiny device that works like a telescope to improve the visual abilities of said patients.

AMD or age related macular degeneration, is an eye condition that affects part of the retina, called the macula, at the back of the eye. As the name suggests, age plays an important factor in the condition which affects a persons central sight, but does not lead to the patient losing all of their vision. AMD makes things that you look at, as opposed to your periphery vision, blurred.

The devised device is implanted in the AMD patient, allowing for improved vision. The FDA approved miniature telescope has been hailed as the first surgical option clinically proven to improve the central vision of AMD patients.