Assistance for Stroke Patients

Recent testing by researchers is hoping to determine whether sufferers of dizzy spells and vertigo have onset stroke symptoms. They are doing this by using a new electronic device to measure the movement of the eye.

Three tests in total are being performed to check the balance system in patients who are possible victims of stroke. Dizziness is often noted as a need for testing for stroke. The first test is taken using a video-oculography  machine that measures minute movements of the eye. It is reported to be  the best predictor of stroke.

A unique pair of goggles are worn, within is a small webcam and also an accelerometer in the frames. Together with special software on a connected computer, a measurement of how fast the patient's head moved is recorded.

All patients tested and diagnosed with stroke ( which totalled fifty per cent ) went on to had the diagnosis confirmed later via an MRI scan.

The ability to rule out stroke by such quick and easy means  is hoped to save both time and money long term as stroke -work up's presently are both long winded and therefore expensive for health providers.