Brake Encourages More Frequent Eye Tests For Motorists

Brake Encourages More Frequent Eye Tests For Motorists

The road safety charity Brake have this week launched a campaign aimed at encouraging motorists to have frequent eye and vision tests to ensure that as road users they are driving safely. Brake are calling for more pro-activity from optical specialists when seeing patients, asking them to enquire with visitors in regards to their ability to drive and whether they are currently doing so. The hope is that this will lead to an increase in awareness amongst motorists that regular vision testing is critical not just for their own safety, but also that of others.

A recent study of 1000 drivers showed worrying statistics.

Percentage of drivers attending vision testing:

  • 2 years or more without a test: 26%
  • 5 years or more without a test: 9%
  • 10 years or more without a test: 3%
  • Never tested: 3%

Percentage of drivers driving with possible limitations:

  • Failure to wear required glasses/lenses: 9%
  • Belief that glasses/lenses not required, despite not being tested in last 2 years: 32%

Just as all motorists are aware (even if some may flaunt the rules) that a car requires regular maintaining, a valid MOT, road tax (if applicable) and an insured, qualified driver, Brake hope that visual ability is something that drivers feel is just as important to be checked frequently to ensure safer roads.