CooperVision Launches Its New Multifocal Contact Lens

coopervision multifocal contact lenses launched

CooperVision has proudly released a new multifocal contact lens for the optical market. Going by the name Biofinity, the latest contact lens released by the optical firm has been designed for sufferers of presbyopia.

Presbyopia is an eye condition where the eye gradually loses its ability to distinguish and make out close by objects. This diminishing ability to focus continues to progress with age. Although the exact reasons why this condition occurs are not 100% confirmed or known, it is believed that the issue arises due to a loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with another consideration being that a loss of power in the ciliary muscles relating to the lens curvature could also be a factor. It is a natural symptom of old age.

The new lenses, officially launched by CooperVision in June 2011, are adapted from previous models of silicone hydrogel lenses in order to make the lens more comfortable and have a more successful fitting rate. The lens is made from a material that is naturally wettable allowing the lens to retain water and hydrate efficiently. The lens also features technology designed to limit the amount of silicone that can be absorbed into the lens. The new design allows the lens to be fitted in a much shorter space of time with improved fitting success.

In clinical testing, these new Biofinity multifocal lenses have been shown as being superior to other branded products in comfort and quality, with improved satisfaction levels for day to day wearing and visual standards.