Eye Health In The Sun

Eye Health In The Sun

In between the ridiculously heavy showers of my car journey this weekend, I had to deal with blinding sunlight on a wet road. Not easy conditions for driving, and certainly, my eyes were not impressed with the strain imparted upon them to keep focused in the conditions.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a common cause of eye irritations and medical eye problems. Some will only be temporary problems and short-lived, others can develop into quite serious long term defects or become permanent.

Effects from short term over exposure of UV rays will include:

  • eyes feeling “gritty”

  • excessive watering and blinking

  • inability or problems looking at bright lights

  • eye swelling

The more long-term problems and serious effects include:

  • sunburn of the cornea ( also known as ' snow blindness')

  • cataracts

  • conjunctiva cancer (this is a cancer on of the thin membrane covering the eye)

  • skin cancers on the eyelids


The fashion conscious of us will be delighted that additional accessories in hats and sunglasses are the easiest way to combat over exposure of UV rays. Fashion eye wear should be treated lenses that keep out out as much UV light as possible for the highest level of protection. Prescription sunglasses or a pair marketed via an opticians is a safe bet for additional peace of mind and extra advice in your selection. It's more than just “looking good” after all.

The highest levels of UV radiation are between 10am and 3pm and if you are at high altitudes (for example, ski resorts).

In some situations glare will provide an additional dose of UV when sunlight is reflected off water, snow, sand or concrete. Even more pertinent to be wearing a good pair of sun shades in these situations.

Most sunglasses are marketed with an EPF rating or Eye Protection Figure. This should be as near to 10 as possible. Sideways glare can be avoided by choosing a ‘wrap around’ style. The quality of sunglasses does not necessarily relate to their darkness or price so be aware of this when making your selection.

And don't forget the younger members of your family. Children and teens are even more vulnerable to sun damage so start them off with their own pair early.

Now where, are my Bono's for the car?

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net