Hanson's New Years Advice

So here it is! A new start and with it another three hundred and sixty five days to fill with new experiences, all of them sensory and hopefully memorable for all of the right reasons. This is the time that we make our resolutions to run more, drink less coffee, make more time with our families. You know the ones, they haul out every year in varying forms. With the new year comes fresh reminders that our eye health needs to be kept at it's optimum so that by next year we are not adding extra care or surgery to rectify eye health issues that we neglect in the throes of keeping all of our other resolutions!

Here is your checklist to keep on top of

  1. First and foremost, it's back to school and you have to remember that children will not know what abnormal vision is, so use your last few days of the holidays to fit in the first eye test of the year for your children. Eighty per cent of learning is visual so don't allow them to miss out or fall behind and keep them routinely checked. Mark it on your new calender.
  2.  While you are there, get your own eyes sorted and and that of your partner. You may not think that you need a test but it's not all about vision. Eye examinations help to detect first stage eye diseases such as glaucoma. Surprisingly to many that don't already have an eye prescription, an eye test can also pick up diabetes or high blood pressure. Still think it's OK to waive? Get booking.
  3. If you're in a job that requires safety glasses, make sure they are appropriate and fit correctly. Two thousand job related eye injuries occur daily. Don't add to those figures.
  4. Those that are at home are just as susceptible to falling foul of an eye injury, Do It Yourself, gardening and just playing in the garden are all viable hazards. Ensure hazardous and chemical substances are kept locked away and out of harms way. 
  5. When it comes to weekends and half terms and summer holidays, watch that the members of your family and friends play appropriately and heed guidelines for certain sports. Eye Injuries are most commonly reported in racket ball sports, baseball, ice hockey and basketball.
  6. If you are a glasses or contact lens wearer use the correct solutions ( in date ) and appropriate cleaners to protect your lenses.

A safe and comfortable New Year to Hansons Readers.