Lumpy Eyes? Could be Chalazion

Lumpy Eyes? Could be Chalazion

Have you ever suffered from a lump on your eyelids? It may have appeared as occasionally red, warm to the touch or painful. It was likely to have been a meibomian cyst which results from a swollen gland in the skin of the eye. A chalazion can form as a result of a blocked sweat gland, when the gland becomes full of oil it ruptures and the eye begins to get inflamed. It is also called chalazion. Not to be confused with a sty however, they can look similar as it also forms a lump on the eyelid, a sty is usually more painful and appears to be more infected, and typically placed right at the edge of the eyelid near the lashes.

When the oil in the sweat gland becomes too thick to drain out, it blocks blocks up the gland but the gland continues to produce oil. With nowhere to go, the oil builds up and a lump is then formed inside the lid of the eye. The gland will rupture eventually and the built up oil is released into the tissue of the eyelid, causing it to become inflamed.

Look Out For:

  • Upper eye lid swelling. It’s rare for the lower lid to be affected. It may take a number of weeks to develop. Initially it will appear as a hard lump that will continue to grow. It may become red or painful to the touch.
  • Seek out an opticians care or see your doctor if the swelling remains for more than a few days.
  • The condition may be serious if you are frequently getting painful swellings and you should obtain medical consultation is you are blighted with regular Headaches, high temperatures, any blurring in your vision, or extensive pain and swelling.
  • If the swelling has lasted for longer than a few weeks, then surgery may be recommended to remove the chalazion.