Removing the Smoke Screen

New plans that have been published by the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence are expecting optician and eye care health professionals to extend healthy vision and best practice for patients who are tobacco smokers. They seek eye care pro's to have a greater involvement in educating users about the dangers associated with smoking and their vision and to support them in the task of giving up.

Figures record that tobacco users have three times the reported incidences of Age Related Macular Degeneration and that cataract development was strongly linked to smoking as well.
The new quality standard for giving up smoking is to push forward and and record the quality in improvements in an area that is one of the main causes for preventable diseases and illness and early death rats in the United Kingdom. At an Optician confederation meeting it was declared that optometrists and opticians are the best placed to confront the awareness increase required that patients should have that links smoking habits with preventable vision loss.