Stem Cell Breakthrough

Burns victims and chemical injury patients along with diagnosed damaging eye disease patients may benefit from new research breakthroughs founded by the Massachusetts Eye and ear and Schepens Eye Research Institute who have collaborated with the VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston Childrens Hospital.Together the research study have constructed tissue from an adult derived human stem cell.The stem cell keeps and regenerates corneal tissue. Graft operations in the past have never been certain to carry actual limbal stem cells that have assisted in repair of damaged corneas.The researchers detected the molecule marker ABCB5 in mouse models and discovered that as well as being present in  human skin and intestine cells it was also found in the limbal stem cells.In the mouse models, a damaged ABCB5 gene resulted in a poor healing process of the cornea after corneal injury.

From there fully functioning human corneas were able to be regrown in models based on stem cells fro deceased human adult donors.