The Technology Obsessed World Doesn't Stretch To Contact Lenses

Contact lenses don't blow potients away

The world (western especially) we live in is mad about technology. Whether it's the latest in HD flat screen LED TV's or Apple's latest wondrous gadget which is sure to change the world, we, the general public are fascinated by new leaps in technology that affect and help us through our everyday lives. Google searches for 'iOS 5' and 'new Apple iPhone' have been enormous in volume this week, however one such market that doesn't quite see this interest is that of contact lenses.

Although it is an everyday item in millions of peoples lives, often essential, it is something that consumers seem to have little or no interest in researching, with latest technological advancements way down our list of things to worry about. Following a survey conducted by Bausch + Lomb, the ophthalmology giant, it was assessed that a staggering 69% of contact lens wearers either leave decisions on their eye wear to their optician without questioning or spend less than one hour doing minimal research on what might be their best solution. This is in sharp contrast to well over half of the same people surveyed stating that they spend at least two days researching electrical products they wish to buy and a further 2-3 days looking into the actual purchase of the said product that they have decided upon. Out of the consumers surveryed, 80% were happy to say that when it came to the latest in entertainment technology, they owned it.

With fairly sizable advancements in the contact lens arena, with HD optics as well as Silicone Hydrogel lenses, this lethargy towards new products is something that opticians and contact lens manufacturers really have to work hard together at in order to raise awareness in the marketplace. This lack of knowledge in the public mindset has also been highlighted via the number of innocent sales of cosmetic contact lenses illegally up and down the highstreet.

Eyes by Anna Cervova (Image)