Vision Loss Figures set to Double

The Royal National Institute for the Blind have expressed concerns that English councils are not including information on patients who are at risk of sight loss in their assessments for local needs and health services. It was almost fifty per cent of local councils that were recorded as omitting such vital information during the course of the RNIB survey. On a national level the job of commissioning appropriate services for people affected by sight loss or at risk of losing vision prematurely is made less effective and more difficult with the lack of information that could have been harvested via the assessments.

The future predictions for sight loss across the country makes for troubled reading, as RNIB health campaign officers believe that the number of residents that will lose their vision looks set to double by the year 2050. Only by recording an accurate picture of the current requirements needed now will  local authorities be able to combat and put into place a effective plan for management of the issue in the future.