Why Women?

There are plenty of variations between the male and female psyche and also their physicality. The Unites States report that in the forty plus age group totalling just over four million individuals over half are registered blind or suffer visual impairment. That fifty percent are all women. The Prevent Blindness America study have also stated that more females have cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.  These diseases constitute the "BIG 4" in the United States.

They explain that women living longer is in some way responsible for the figures but also hormones play a role.
That is why the month of April in  the US is dedicated to Eye Vision and Health Awareness  for women to educate themselves about preventative steps and good practice for their sight.
Across the board, eye health professionals advocate dilated eye exams for early detection of the main diseases, so treatment for loss of vision can be implemented as soon as possible.

This coupled with dietry supplements, quitting the cigarettes, a healthy diet and wearing eye protection against UV sunlight are all preventative markers for men and women globally.