CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer

CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer

CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer
CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer
CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer
CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer
CSO Osiris-T Aberrometer

CSO Osiris T Aberrometer

  • Provides total aberrometry (auto-ref + high orders)
  • Comparison with corneal aberrometry to evaluate internal aberration
  • Advanced analysis of Zernike components
  • Back-lighted imaging (cataract)
  • Visual acuity simulation (total)
  • Accommodation analysis

Extra information


Please call our expert team today on 01527 501077 or email sales@hansoninstruments.co.uk for more information on this product.